Compiled By Oluseyi Adedire
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Question 1:
At what point did you decide to be a footballer and what was your motivation?
I started up playing football at the age of about 6, 7, 8 years old ? Not quite sure when and I wouldn't say there was so much motivation then, just a very young girl from the streets of Mushin, you know, just see a round letter object and start kicking.
I used to see boys on the street and I joined them to play. And soon I just found out that there wasn't so much difference between us. I could do perfectly what the boys were doing and it was fun to do it.
Question 2:
How did people regard you as a female footballer? Do you think there is a subtle difference from how a female football would be regarded?
Yeah, I think growing up, growing up when I was way much smaller there was a little bit of that "You're a girl, why do you have to play football?" or "Why do you have to be in the midst of the boys, you have to go to where the girls are", and all of those things.
Sometimes they tell you football is a guy's sport, it's a men's sport. It's not a woman's sport. When those kind of words comes in, it's just, uh, one of those things that just make me feel a little somehow. But I was doing it better than they could do, so it infact motivated me
Now, the discrimination is actually very low. I don't think it's so much a big deal right now anymore.
Question 3:
What were the obstacles you faced as a girl child venturing into football and how did you surmount them?
For me, growing up there were a lot of obstacles and challenges, which varied from lack of support. You know, when you come from a poor home, you have to think of providing for yourself, buying sports gea, what to eat after training, education and many other things
I was selling things in the market, doing house chores, doing other odd jobs trying to support my family. It was really overwhelming then, but I am grateful to God for how far the journey has taken me now.
Question 4:
Do you think some adjustments should be made to accommodate the physiological make up of female footballers?
I don't know exactly because every girl is different even, and I don't know how easy that will be.
Everything should be based on ability and humanity, not "If you don't look like this or if you look like that."
Question 5:
What would you advise to girls out there, trying to become footballers too?
Well, one of my biggest advice is just:
Love what you do. Have passion for what you do. The first thing should be the love for the game, the passion that drives something inside you to keep going.
If you want to use some other factors like money as motivation, then it's easy to get demotivated at the tough stages when the money is not there.
If you have a genuine love for the game, you will always remain motivated.
And also, you have to be disciplined, be a disciplined player. Work as hard as you can and be as open as you can. Be humble. Be very prayerful.
Question 6:
Can you please share one each of your proud and trying moments?
My proud moment was with the Super Falcons, during the Nations Cup. Being able to score a goal to send Nigeria to the World Cup. To take my shirt off and declare Christ to the world and say thank you Jesus.
I was really proud of myself in that moment.
Trying moments, I look at them as "Build-up moments".
If I had to pick one, I would say 2016 U20 World Cup when we were knocked out in the group stage.Question 7:
You are very vocal about your faith, what informed that?
Yeah. I am very vocal and I will continue to be vocal.
I am not apologetic about it. I just pray for God's grace to keep going. I can't explain what informed it, but all I can just say is I will continue, I will continue as long as God gives me the grace to.
Question 8:
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
In the next 5 years, I see myself better, greater, more successful, happy, more peaceful than this present moment.
In God, everything is good, and His blessings are new every day. It can only get better. Everything about RASH, the girl with the blue hair. It can only get better.
Question 9:
How do we think women can kick through football's glass ceiling?
I think women can kick through football's glass ceiling with more developmental programs in all age categories. More sponsorship, more investment in women's football.
There should be good structures on ground to develop women's football, It needs to be an intentional effort.
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